Master Class
CDP Company offers master classes in a variety of styles, including contemporary, jazz, ballet, hip hop, modern, tap, yoga, Pilates, and Barre. Every class is taught by different company members, who are experts/certified in that style. Our master classes are geared towards teens to adults with beginner to advanced dance experience and are appropriate for schools, dance programs, or dance companies. Master classes can be offered as a one time course, or as a multi-class series in one style or a variety of styles. We specifically cater the class(es) to the group we’re working with, based on number of students/participants, ages, current curriculum, and any specific requests from the client. Our master classes approach dance with an integrative mindset and aligns our teaching style to our mission, intending to promote safety and wellness to prevent injury, while also sparking thoughtful community engagement.
Each class can be a mix and match of any or all of the following 4 parts:
Performance - CDP Company will present a work that aligns with the client’s need with the intention of stoking inspiration from the group, and motivating movement.
Engagement - CDP Company will foster the groups ideas and engage in a Q&A regarding the performance, creative process, careers in dance and dance adjacent fields, and whatever other burning questions arise.
Application - Each class begins with a body scan meditation which will help to clear the mind and prepare for a new activity, while setting an intention for the day. Every session will culminate in the development of a short dance work which can be performed for a small audience and/or premiered on social media, as requested by the group.
Technique Class - Company members will teach your students the fundamentals of a dance style in our offering, culminating in either a short combination if a one time class, or a short work choreographed by our company based on the dancers
Choreography and Composition - Company members will lead students in an exploration of their own creative voices through dance. Through different choreographic exercises, students will develop their own dance work to share at the end of the session.
Improvisation - Company members will guide students through an improvisation class, teaching students the value of allowing the body and mind to move freely without judgment. Students will also have the chance to develop their own improvisational exercises for the class, and create a short dance work as a group.
Reflection - CDP Company will encourage thoughtful discussion of the program as a means of self-awareness for the students to reflect on the value of the arts in curriculum and our lives, as well as to ensure that our program is meeting our goals of fulfilling the needs of the students involved.
To learn more about how we can specifically cater this class to your group, or to inquire about bringing a Master Class to your dancers, please e-mail us at