Dancers ages 16-106, join us for open classes each week!

COde of conduct & liability waiver

A. Waiver of Liability: In checking the box on audition or class registration, I agree that Cleveland Dance Project, LLC is in no way responsible for the safekeeping of my personal belongings while I attend class or perform. I understand that classes and activities at Cleveland Dance Project, and any of the affiliated rehearsal studios or performance venues are physically strenuous and that I voluntarily participate in them with full knowledge that there is risk of personal injury, property loss, broken bones, pulled muscles, heart attack, paralysis, or death. I agree that neither I, my heirs, assigns or legal representatives will sue or make other claims of any kind whatsoever against Cleveland Dance Project or its members, staff, owners, or representatives for any personal injury, bodily injury, property damage, property loss, paralysis or wrongful death, whether caused by negligence or otherwise. I understand that Cleveland Dance Project cannot prevent me from being exposed to, contracting, or spreading COVID-19 while utilizing its services or any affiliated studio premises. It is not possible to prevent against the spread of the disease and I understand that by choosing to participate in Cleveland Dance Project rehearsals, performances, and events, I may be exposing myself to and/or increasing my risk of contracting the disease. I hereby forever waive my right to bring suit against and/or seek damages from Cleveland Dance Project, its employees and volunteers, and the studios it rents, in connection to any exposure or contraction of COVID-19 that may be related to participating in Cleveland Dance Project events.

B. Use of Photographic Images/Video Footage: Participant hereby assigns all rights to Cleveland Dance Project, LLC of their photographic images, photographic likeness, and videographic footage taken of themselves by Cleveland Dance Project LLC and its employees and/or representatives in their time at the studio, in rehearsals, and at Cleveland Dance Project events. Participant hereby gives permission to Cleveland Dance Project LLC to use their photographic likeness in all forms and media for advertising, trade, commercial use, website display, social media, and other lawful purposes, expressly limited to the activities of Cleveland Dance Project LLC.

C. Agreement to Pay: I hereby understand that I'm registering at my own will as a dancer and understand the audition fee, tuition, and class fees are non-refundable. For all Choreographers, I hereby understand that the $35 registration fee is non-refundable, and I’m auditioning at my own will. In addition, the tuition payment is due in full by the start of rehearsals and I will incur $10 late fees for each week that it is late. I understand that once I am cast in a piece, I will owe the tuition payment and will not be refunded for any reason once the cast list is sent as I have now taken a spot from another dancer.

D. Code of Conduct: I agree that as a participant of Cleveland Dance Project, I will treat all Cleveland Dance Project members with respect and kindness regardless of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, culture, or belief system. I will give my choreographers advance notice if I have to miss any rehearsals. I understand that if I miss more than 2 rehearsals in a season or behave in a manner that is seen unfit by either my choreographer or director, I may be expelled from the piece(s) that I was cast in without refund of tuition.

By checking the box button in registration, you are signing this Release electronically. You agree your electronic signature is the legal equivalent of your manual signature on this Agreement.